CaMac T1 vs Ca T1, with batch effect accounted for

23 February 2016

Genewise expression level

Spreadsheet, voom plot

786 with fdr<=0.01

1277 with fdr<=0.05

Raw data format: Sample_E1_Ca1; Sample_E1_CaMac1; Sample_E3_Ca1; Sample_E3_CaMac1
5628 of 6214 features kept after filtering
(required at least one sample with 10 reads)
df = 12.262467
sd = 1.146086
noise combined p-value = 0.010634
noise fit score = 0.799606 bits

Design matrix

[------] test coefficients
      0       1       0  Sample_E1_Ca1
      1       1       0  Sample_E1_CaMac1
      0       1       1  Sample_E3_Ca1
      1       1       1  Sample_E3_CaMac1